Electrodeity Deck – BCS 2018 Testing (Final Iteration)

Flag: Katana World
Buddy: Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu

Size 0:
4x Electrobeast Emissary, Otora
2x Electrobeast Emissary, Shuto

Size 2:
4x Guardian Electrobeast, Goryou
2x Guardian Electrobeast, Inamaro

Size 3:
4x Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu
1x Electrodeity of Water, Mizunohame
2x Unruly Electrodeity, Susanoo

4x Ceremonial, Execution of Divine Punishment
4x Ceremonial, Water Mirror
3x Ceremonial, Winged Arrows
4x Demon Way, Sakurafubuki
4x Electrodeity Festival
2x Electrodeity Return
4x Kagura, Electrodeity Welcome
4x Miracle Fighters
3x Ritual, Harvest Prayer
2x Water Technique, Minawagakushi
3x Wind Arc Deity, Uzu-ikazuchi

4x Kagura-Bell of Worship

Deck Size: 60
[Other Deck stats hidden from public view]

2x Electrodeity City Center, Takamagahara
3x Loyalty
2x Skill Binder
3x Dark Skill, Eerie Wailings